The Southern Utah Practical Shooting (SUPS) range is one of the premier competitive shooting ranges in the country. We host a variety of matches including USPSA, Tuesday Night Steel (TNS), Practical Carbine Shooting League (PCSL), and Carry Match.
Two of our signature major matches that we run are Berry’s Steel Open (BSO) and Berry’s Red Rock Rumble (BRRR). BSO is an 18 stage match shooting three different genres of steel: Dynamic, Scramble, and Static Steel. BRRR is a 16 stage USPSA Level 2 match that promises to test all your competition skills. We have hosted USPSA Area 1 and USPSA Nationals multiple times and look forward to doing it many more.
SUPS Range Board of Directors
Glen Wong – President email: president@supsrange.com
Lex Bowler – Vice-President email: vicepresident@supsrange.com
Jill Hamblin – Treasurer email: treasurer@supsrange.com
Blair Cooper – Secretary email: secretary@supsrange.com
Kevin Cook – Director 1 email: director1@supsrange.com
Dan Long – Director 2 email: director2@supsrange.com
Stephen Biggs – Director 3 email: director3@supsrange.com
I have been a resident of St George since 2013 and love it here! A factor in moving here was SUPS, and I became a board member in 2014. For the past several years I have been fulfilling the role as President, working with the board closely to make good things happen!
I enjoy shooting competitively, in particular USPSA and PCSL, run and gun style of events. I am currently a USPSA Master Class shooter in Limited and Production divisions.
I look forward to getting to know you and have you join our family here at SUPS.
SUPS Director 2
I moved to St. George in 2019 after retiring from my work career. This move has afforded me time to do things I love like shooting, competing and Jeeping. Shortly after arriving at SUPS i was asked to help. I’ve been a match director for our signature big matches, Berry’s Steel Open and Berry’s Red Rock Rumble as well as local USPSA, PCSL and Steel Challenge matches. Since 2020 I have had the pleasure to serve on the SUPS Board of Directors.
I’ve been shooting since a young age but only found USPSA in my mid-40s. I am now classified in all 22 USPSA and Steel Challenge divisions and have made Grandmaster in PCC (USPSA) and RFRO (SC). I’ve enjoyed competing in major matches across the country and look forward to more now as a Senior.
I look forward to seeing you on the range!
SUPS Director 3
Stephen played an instrumental role in the transformation of the range. His expertise with heavy equipment helped to keep BSO and BRRR running. He also was part of the team that completed the pilot bay modification on Bays H1 and H2, which helped to convince the County to move forward with the modification of remaining bays and implement proper water management. Stephen is also playing an important role as one of the TNS match directors. He has shown to be a clear thinker with a calm voice in all our discussions. He has demonstrated a passion for the success of SUPS, always being one of the first to volunteer.